IKC Projects
In our portfolio you can discover the play corners of other child-friendly entrepreneurs, become inspired and get new ideas for your own play corner!
Coop makes a difference!
Coop believes in the power of together!
Children are thrilled to come to our day care centre!
Everything should be child-oriented
Design Outlet Roermond makes it special!
A custom made kids' corner!
Wilhelmina Children's Hospital knows how to play!
Even more accessible for young families with this play concept!
A brand new play concept for garden centre Vechtweelde!
Adventure in the Jungle
Medical Centre Saxenburgh invests in playing!
A perfect play solution for the waiting room
Playing in the kids’ corner at dentist Dental Health in The Hague
A less tense consultation for children by having fun
Amphia Hospital in Breda makes waiting more fun!
Amphia Hospital in Breda invested in a play concept.